
1. Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS)

Novavida Integrative Medical Center uses the world-leading medical equipment Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS) from the United States. It provides a colour-coded model and feedback on the activity of the body on a cellular level. Charts and graphs are also generated to provide helpful biofeedback.


Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS) works with the principle of Biofeedback by transmitting a low-voltage current to the body to measure the water-resistance of the cell and tissue oxygen delivery. When the electrical detects any imbalances, there will be an alert with different colour marked in the 3D model. It takes only 3-5 minutes for scanning the whole body and computer conducts a detailed 3D model of body composition, including organs, glands and body segments assists in indicating imbalances. With the following doctor’s diagnosis, the potential risks and diseases may be detected for advanced prevention. The E.I.S. scan gives a valuable visualization of the whole body systems and organs without side effects.

Novavida Integrative Medical Center uses the E.I.S. scan to help the patients to detect the potential diseases in the early stage for better prevention and treatment from the cell level. In the field of Anti-aging medicine, It is an effective way of monitoring health treatments and a helpful tool for interpreting the results of a range of tests in the human body’s 37 organs and 9 systems:

  1. Cardiovascular functions

**The image shows the analysis of cardiovascular functions

  1. Endocrine functions

**The image shows the analysis of Endocrine functions

  1. Urogenital and renal functions

** The image shows the analysis of urogenital and renal functions

  1. Neuromuscular functions

** The image shows the analysis of Neuromuscular functions

  1. Respiratory functions

**The image shows the analysis of Respiratory functions

  1. Digestive functions

** The image shows the analysis of Digestive functions

  1. Neurologic functions

**The image shows the analysis of Neurologic functions

  1. General metabolic functions

**The image shows the analysis of General metabolic functions

  1. Immune functions; allergic risk, infectious risk and ENT risk

**The image shows the analysis of Immune functions; allergic risk, infectious risk, and ENT risk

The evaluation of Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS)

The evaluation results are divided into 5 risk levels. Displayed in 5 color bars: red, yellow, dark blue, sky blue and green. Each color indicates the possibility of health issues, ranging from highest risk (Risk I) to lowest (Risk V)

Risk I : Red bar
Detection of degeneration and malfunction in a particular point or system and requires immediate treatment
Risk II : Yellow bar
Detection of degeneration and malfunction with a risk of health issue in a particular point or system at the secondary level or level 2
Risk III : Blue bar
Detection of degeneration, malfunction, and a deviation from normal functionality in a particular point or system at the level of 3
Risk IV : Light blue bar
Detection of a possibility of health issue in a particular point and system at the level of 4
Risk V : Green bar
Detection of a possibility of health issue in a particular point and system at the level of 5

Advantages of EIS Scan

  1. It provides a complete and thorough scan of the whole body and organs on a cellular level;
  2. It helps with a healthcare planning by providing guidelines for disease prevention;
  3. It helps to detect the potential risks;
  4. It gives guidelines on a recommended diet plan;
  5. Non-invasive
  6. No side effects
  7. Suitable for all with self-care awareness

Preparation for EIS Scan

  1. Take off all metal jewelry;
  2. No body movement or talking during the scan;
  3. Avoid using mobile phones or other electronic devices.

How often should we take the EIS scan?

The scan is without any side effects, you can take the E.I.S scan as often you like. We recommend that the scan be taken every 6 months for best prevention from disease.


Pregnant women and people with mental or electronics implants in the body such as pacemakers should avoid from undergoing the scan.

Oligo Scan

Oligo Scan is rapid, pain-free scan by an instant portable spectrophotometer to measure 15 heavy metals and 20 minerals in the human body. The result is conducted within 5 minutes.

What is Oligo Scan?

Oligo Scan is an innovated medical technology from Europe. It is designed for precise evaluation of bioavailability of minerals, trace elements and the rate of toxic metals in living tissues. Oligo Scan can also display the accumulation of toxic heavy metals and minerals in the body in real-time, if these toxic heavy metals can’t be detoxified from the human body, it will cause the diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, exhaustion, chronic fatigue, insomnia, headache, overweight or underweight.

How does Oligo Scan work?

At Novavida Integrative Medical Center, the specialist doctors use Oligo Scan to evaluate the toxic heavy metal level and the balance of the minerals by taking four photos from different points on the palm of your hand, using high‑frequency light spectrophotometry to provide a precise analysis of the trace elements, minerals and heavy metals in your body. Within seconds the results will be displayed on the computer screen. You get a comprehensive report instantly and an analysis of the results. Treatment and supplements can then be tailored based on the results. Oligo Scan helps to measure the toxic heavy metals and minerals in the body, it is widely used in anti-aging medical care to help with the prevention from the potential diseases.

Advantages of Oligo Scan

  1. The measurement is taken directly by a portable spectrometer, the result is conducted within 3 minutes;
  2. Instant analysis of 15 kinds of heavy metals and 20 minerals;
  3. No blood test needed

The evaluation of Oligo Scan results

  1. Mineral level is normal / slightly excceed/ beyond the standard / significantly excceed/ beyond the standard;
  2. Heavy metal leavel is normal /slightly excceed/ beyond the standard / significantly excceed/ beyond the standard;
  3. Mineral balance in the body;
  4. Degree of toxic heavy metals to the body.

Oligo Scan helps to measure the toxic heavy metals and minerals in the body, it is widely used in anti-aging medical care to help with the prevention from the potential diseases.